Some applications don't know how to handle high channel counts. Don't use high sample rates with a high number of channels. Although BlackHole is designed to be extremely efficient at higher channel counts it's possible that your computer might not be able to keep up. Be careful when specifying high channel counts. KNumber_Of_Channels is used to set the number of channels. GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='$GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONSĬustomizing Channels, Latency, and Sample Rates The following pre-compiler constants may be used to easily customize a build of BlackHole.
To install BlackHole copy the BlackHoleXch.driver folder to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL and restart CoreAudio using sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/. To request a license contact Existential Audio. Please support our hard work and continued development.

Note that the directory is the root /Library not /Users/user/Library. Rm -R /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/BlackHoleXch.driverīe sure to replace X with either 2, 16, or 64. Uninstallation Instructions Option 1: Use Uninstallerĭelete the BlackHole driver with the terminal command: Installation Instructions Option 1: Download Installer

The directors (and writers) did some visually awesome things with this film.
The writers (and directors) took these three things, tossed them into a movie blender, put the blender on puree, and came out with this movie. In the way of Snatch and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (kind of) it's got its violence and action tossed into a mountain of humor. This is my first review and I've been reluctant to write one because I don't really think anyone will read it.